
Liv Kristin Holmberg and Camilla Wexels Riser – motivation

Participating in the Picture project is an opportunity to expand our practice and our ways of thinking about our work and methods. A primary goal is to investigate the sacred potential in the post-industrial. The transition from mechanical production to knowledge-based and technological services leaves many empty spaces in its wake, physical and otherwise. We want to investigate how these empty spaces may be filled by using our artistic practice as a point of departure; our experience with performative and sound based work, as well as site-specific, immersive installations.

The church continues to be one of society’s sacred rooms: a room for contemplation and retreat, a room to connect the earthly and numinous. How can such spaces manifest themselves out of other physical and metaphysical conditions?

We have differing yet complimentary approaches to process and material(s). Holmberg has more of a theoretical and conceptual approach, while Wexels Riser employs a more intuitive method oriented around materiality. This is something we look forward to cultivating by participating in the reflective space of PICTURE Budapest- Østfold.
